I agree because if we didn't have uniforms how would we represent the school? So we have to wear the uniforms so the public know how great their school are. Plus if we had Science and we were working on acid or fire what would happen if acid dripped on your shoe? It would melt but with the leather shoes we could be safe from our shoe melted and our feet too! I know that school uniforms sometimes are expensive but its for safety without safety it's gonna be the teachers fault for not taking care of the child that got injured by car crash, someone melted something, Et cetera see? what would happen if we didn't have those things? I hope you guys like my post! What reasons do you guys have if we didn't have school uniforms? Goodbye!
I am a Year 7 student in the Uru Mānuka Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Friday, June 25, 2021
Hello Guys! Today I am going to show you about Orchestras.
Here is the slide:
Is It Worth It That Year 7-8 Do Friday Sport?
I agree that Year 7-8 do Friday sport because if they wouldn't know how to play it or how to get good at those sports so they need to be doing the sport. Plus sport can help you expand your lungs which means that you get more energy to keep doing sport yeah! It can be fun doing sports with other people too! So it is much more fun playing with them so you don't have to play alone. It can be hard at the start if you don't know how to play, your coach will help you with training so you would know how to play and be good at the sport you wanted to play. You can even choose the sport you want to play so you won't have to worry about your teachers randomly choosing the sport for you even if you don't like the sport so yeah it's good to choose your sport so you would know how to ply if you are just a beginner. If you play your chosen sport and you just started playing the sport don't worry because the more you play the sport the better you get at that sport you chose. So I hope you guys like this paragraph about "Is It Worth It That Year 7-8 Do Friday Sport?" Make sure you comment if you have reasons that Year 7-8 do Friday sport? Why? of Why not? Goodbye!
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
About The OREO Format
Hello guys! Today I am going to show you about the OREO format.
I hope you guys like my post! Goodbye!
Ice Cream Is Better Than Cake
I agree that Ice Cream is better than Cake because Ice Cream is much better because of that soft and cold cream! Cake is not good because the taste is too much flavour and I don't like when Ice Cream is in a Cake because they don't match that well. Ice Cream is much cheaper than Cake and the taste is adding good together. You can even keep your Ice Cream in the freezer but Cake the cream is cold but Ice Cream is good even when it's so cold. If you have a vanilla Ice Cream it would be so good putting sprinkles around vanilla Ice Cream and you can add lots of the favourite chocolate stuff in your Ice Cream. On Cake you can't do that much plus it's big so you might not want to eat the Cake alone but on Ice Cream when your alone it's good to have Ice Cream because it's small and you can eat it faster. You can even have loads of the yummy Ice Cream like Magnum, Hokey Pokey, Chocolate, Vanilla and Et cetera.
If you agree that Ice Cream is better than Cake make sure to comment Ice Cream! Tell me which you choose Cake or Ice Cream? Why is so good than Cake? or Why it is so good than Ice Cream! Goodbye!
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Why We Need A Cooker
Hello guys! Today I am going to show you why a Cooker is an Important thing.
We need a Cooker to cook our food if we are hungry. Even restaurants they need a Cooker to cook their meals for the hungry customers. If restaurants didn’t have a Cooker? What would happen to their company? They could go bankrupt you know if they didn't have a Cooker they would be done for. That's why restaurants need Cooker too like us to serve meals for our family or yourself if you want to.
Names for Decimal place values:
So when you have this number 1 and you got to 9 you add a 0 in front of the 9 like this 09 so now you can get up to 99 so you add another 0 in front. The left side is the bigger numbers and the right side is the lower numbers if your confused of which side is lower or higher you go to the middle which is the decimal point like this 0.0.
Proper Fractions:
Proper fractions always equals even and odd numbers. We can use the vales to represent smaller parts of things. A proper fraction is always smaller than a whole fraction.
Improper Fractions:
Improper Fraction is a fraction where it doesn't represent the smaller parts of things but the bigger parts of things like 4/2 the bigger one is in the front or at the top.
Mixed Fraction:
A Mixed Fraction is 3 numbers like this 3 4/5 like that it has a whole number at the side of the proper fraction.
Adding Decimals:
When adding decimals the point . is always lined up to the bottom or upper number. Then you add like it's like a normal adding.
Dogs Are A Better Than Cats
Dogs are better than Cats because Dogs will listen better than Cats because Cats will barely listen until they agree to be your master. Dogs bark at people letting the owner know if there are strangers trying to steal or do something bad. Dogs listen much better and faster they know what to do when their owner says something. Dogs gets angry when there's people around their owner.I hope you guys are not offended that Dogs are better than Cats it's just my opinion. If you guys think Dogs are better than Cats say agree or if you like Cats than Dogs comment disagree Bye!
Friday, June 18, 2021
Today guys I am going to show you some stuff about Percussion! Like how it works, what you do and different kinds of Percussion instruments!
A Percussion istrument is where you can scrape and hit intruments and there are different kinds of intruments with different shapes and sizes!
I hope you guys like my Percussion post and make sure to stay tuned if you want more of these kinds of music!
About Music
Hello guys! Today I am going to be answering these questions
How is 1940s music different to music now? The different thing about 1940's music to now is the sounds are clearer to hear.
What have you learnt about brass instruments? Not all of the metal instrument is a Brass Family.
What are you enjoying in music? The thing I am enjoying in Music is that I get to hear different music and get to learn about genres.
I hope you guys like my post! So stick around if you want to see more of these kinds of stuff. Bye!
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Artificial Intelligence in 2050
Hello guys! Today I will explain what Artificial Intelligence might look like in 2050.
My theory is that robots would be more high-tech which means their walking could be as normal as a human walk. My other one is that robots doesn't have legs and they just hover and do things that people do aswell! Like: Drive, help people, push wheelchairs and et cetera. Cars might auto drive aswell like you just talk and it automatically drives for you and it reads the signs like speed limit 50 the car could change the speed or if it sees red light it stops or when parking it could park itself. Maybe you could have robot dogs that acts like a normal dog probably it might need a an electric leash if it wants to recharge or another way. Artificial Intelligence is not about robots that almost looks like a human it could be a robot animal.
I hope you guys like my post about Artificial Intelligence. Bye!
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Weird Brass Instruments
Hello guys! Today I am going to show you about weird brass instruments and I am going to show you what they look like.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Plastic Surgery
So today guys! I am going to answer questions from the plastic surgery!
How were Gillies and Mcindoe related? They were cousins
What did Gillies do during World War 1/WW1? He performed facial surgery on soldiers mutilated by guns and bombs.
What idea Gillies pioneer during this time? He said "faces should not only to be rebuilt but also made them look good"
What did Mcindoe do during WW2? He reconstructed the severely burned face of young pilots and pioneered
What does it mean to be a "guinea pig"? Someone who makes them look better?
Why do you think his patients referred to as "The Guinea Pig Club"? because they were going to a surgery?
I hope you guys like my post! Click this link to see th whole story and watch the videos in there too! Bye!
Friday, June 11, 2021
The Referee's Whistle
Hello guys! Today we ae going to talk about The Referee's Whistle!! I am going to ask questions about it!
Who designed the special police whistle? Joseph Hudson
Back in 1872, How did soccer referee's send a player off? They ran up to the side of the field and waved a handkerchief to send a player off.
What did a referee's whistle replace in a rugby game? The referee's controlled the game and yells at the players
When did soccer rules change to introduce whistles? The rules change in 1891
The sports whistle was invented in New Zealand? false
Guys I created an invention to improve sport check it out!
I hope you guys like my post make sure you comment on it! If your confused where the stoy is Click this. BYE!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Designed For Good
Hello guys, today I am going to show you about Designed for Good! So I will talk about what problems has happened or what great things it did.
Have fun reading it!
Craig Bond had problems because it misfired and it didn't kill the pest quick enough. Craig and his friends wanted to design a pest trap because they wanted to help New Zealand from Kiore, Stoat, Possum and etc. But for the requirements for the trap needed: Cap, Lure, Tree Mount, Lure Cradle, Screws, Trigger, Striker, Co Canister and Digital Counter. If your wondering what a prototype is, a prototype is something that your g onna make it better or tested.
The message of the story is about these pests destroying trees and killing native animals. Then tells you what you can do for our environment too!
If your confused where the story is Click this link to read the whole story. I hope you guys like my post. Bye!
Friday, June 4, 2021
Who created Tantrix? Mike McManaway
Were did the inventor of Tantrix come up with the idea? Chile
How do you win the game of Tantrix? By making the biggest loop
List two other versions of Tantrix that have been invented.
Magnetic Tantrix
Solitaire Tantrix
Are Mike and his partner Britta good at playing Tantrix? How do I know? Yes, because one of them invented it and one of them won it.
Here is my own game invention called "Stomp Up!"
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Daylight Savings Time
Hello guys! Today I am going to show you about daylight savings. It talks about how it works, problems that happened. Have fun reading it!
What does an entomologist study? An entomologist study insects.
What was the name of the star(from space) that that George Hudson discovered in 1918? Nova Aquila.
What problem did Hudson want to solve while working at the Post Office? Daylight hours
What did Hudson do solve this problem? He started to think about the value of Daylight hours.
Which country began Daylight Savings Time (DST) first? Germany began Daylight saving first.
Why is Hudson considered the inventor of the Daylight Savings Time? Because he was the first person to find out about DST.
I hope you guys like my DST post and if your confused with the question read this.
Treasure Diary
It was warm since we had fire to warm us up but our food was scarce so we needed to find food for us tomorrow. It was very dark outside and all we could see is the fire. We had to sleep since it was dark outside and it was hard to sleep since the fire burnt down so we couldn't see anything but darkness. Even our clothes weren't warm enough, it was still cold so sleeping was a struggle.
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Comic Strip!
So today guys I made a comic strip based on the previous post so make sure you read it before reading this!
I hope you guys like my post so I hope you give me some helpful comments and I will comment on it. Goodbye!New Zealand Treasure
There were New Zealanders with gold trying to get to their destination.
But with the weather it was impossible to get through as they're scared while the ship was sinking with lots and lots of gold that was gonna be forever found. Some passengers got to the lifeboats safely while some didn't. For months the people on the freeezing island survived using the only tools they can find. After they were ready they got their ship that they made and got everything they needed to get to their destination. But there was no hope so they went to another island. As they were still stuck one of the people died from blood poisoning. And for days and days they found a ship and got their fires ready as the ship headed straight for them. The treasure was still in the sea and people ried to get them but one of them drowned from trying to find the sunken treasure worth up to 1 million dollars but soe people say there was much much more.
The End!