
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Mariana Trench

Talofa, everyone I'm learning about Mariana trench and it's the deepest sea in the world and  I found out that it's just close to my country. I can't believe it's just close to my country. This is my infographic template.

Find out about Mariana Trench there are a lot of facts that you can learn about Mariana Trench.
 Read some of my own questions like how dumbo octopus look like?

 There's a lot of things you can learn at Mariana Trench. This is fun facts to learn about Mariana Trench many of them are fun facts.

The Ocean is now 3% has been mapped and 95% has unexplored. Many people are still exploring the ocean and finding unknown animals on the sea trying to find most of them.

There are more animals that we don't know on the other side of the ocean that's why scientists are helpful to us if the animal is dangerous.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Positive Comments

this helps you how to learn positive types.  You need to learn how to comment on someone else blog this is very useful if you got stuck and don't have any ideas left in your mind.

Friday, August 9, 2019

earthquake recount

 -I’m learning about the earthquake on Monday and found out that earthquakes are the one that formed the biggest mountains like mount Everest the biggest mountain in the whole wild world and earthquake can be formed by the tectonic plates by getting jammed or judder. they show up every year.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

10s and 1s

I've been learning how to do a 10s and 1s and I think I'm getting better at it pls have fun with this game

Thursday, August 1, 2019

about hurricanes

today I've been learning about hurricanes in literacy on Monday, 
I made a slide of a hurricane I have 4 facts about the hurricane. 
I found out that hurricanes and tornadoes have the same speed rotation that causes damage. The eye is so calm because the now strong surface winds that converge towards the center never reach it.
my diagram about hurricanes rotation